Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Have you tried clipix?

I love searching the web for outfits and styles that I either have fallen in love with or want to purchase for myself.  It's tough to keep track of all the images that I like for future reference.  Sometimes I want to bookmark a specific item until I get paid or until it goes on sale.  That way I won't forget about it when I have the money to spend.

There is a new site that helps me keep track of my images called clipix. I can search for pictures of outfits I love and then clip them to clipboards. i can have as many clipboards as I like and organize them any way I want to.  I can keep some of them private or I can share them with the world.  I can even invite people to contribute to the board as well.  Sometimes I find articles from fashion magazines that I want to share with friends. Clipix lets me keep track of them easily. 

If you like clipping images and keeping track of them, you really need to try clipix.  What kinds of pictures would you clip to your clipboard?  I find new uses for it every day!


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