Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

I'm back!

When I got home from the kid's doctor appointment yesterday, I was shocked to find I had no phone dial tone and no internet. I called Comcast who assured me that there were no outages in the area at all and that it must be my modem. I doubted that diagnoses since my modem had been just fine two hours prior but I figured they must know what they were talking about. I scheduled an appointment for this afternoon for a technician to replace my modem.

Obviously they didn't know what they were talking about since I when I picked up the phone receiver I found dial tone! Quickly running to my computer, I had internet again. I recalled Comcast and was told by a different girl that it was probably an outage in the area that they didn't now about. The problem is that I can't call Comcast in my area. I call into their main phone center which is nowhere near me so of course they never know anything.

But, the good news is I have internet now and hopefully will not lose anything else. I have discovered that losing internet is even worse that not having hot water for a bubble bath!

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