There are a lot of ways we can share happiness with those around us that really don't take all that long. We can remember to send thank you notes to people when they do something nice for us or send us a gift. Make sure you take time to write a real thank you note on some pretty stationery and put it in the mail box. It's so much more personal than sending an email.
Do you know someone that's sick or feeling down from a recent loss? Maybe they lost their job? Maybe they're in the hospital? Again, take a minute to send them a Get Well Card or Condolences card. If they're local to you bring them a bouquet of flowers or make them some cookies. You don't have to spend tons of money any sign that you're thinking of them is much appreciated.
Remember the people in your life that often don't get thanked. When was the last time you thanked the mailman for bringing your mail? Or your child's teacher for helping them understand a particularly difficult problem? Maybe you could volunteer to help them out in class or remember to bring in a treat for Teacher Appreciation Day.
I think it would be so great if everyone tried to thank at least one person a day. It could be a smile and a thank you for the hectic checkout cashier you can tell is having a bad day or it could be volunteering at the ASPCA. Just take a few minutes to thank someone and share a smile with them.
Spend time helping out those that are less fortunate. I volunteer at our local food shelf and it's so rewarding to know that you're helping someone out who needs you. Don't just give money... give your time. That means so much more that you actually get involved with the people who need you.
Don't forget to thank the people in your family too. I used to leave little love notes in the kid's lunch bags when they were little just reminding them that I love them. I still let them know now by thanking them with a pizza and movie night periodically. My husband thanks me for everything I do for him by picking me up flowers or taking the kids out for lunch occasionally so I have a quiet home to myself.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hershey's blogging program, for a gift card worth $25 and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here
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