Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

How to get your child involved in a science fair #projectready

Each year our school system has a science fair. The children have to pick out a science project, do the research and experiment, compile the data and then present the project to the class. It's a really great learning tool for them because it teaches them how to research, how to take logical steps to determine an outcome and how to see something through from start to finish. It also helps them learn that science can be used in so many every day situations. My son applied his most recent science project to both music and sports both of which interest him. My daughter has applied her science projects to working in the kitchen and the effects of different household properties on each other.
I really love this because it makes science fun. When I was in high school, we didn't have fun projects like this. Science was all a matter of bookwork and memorization which is probably why I never enjoyed science. Science fair projects are so much more interesting that they foster a love of learning.

Just a few ideas of things we've done in the past are:

Baking bread - discuss why/how yeast rises
Exploding volcano - made out of paper mache & use baking soda/lemon juice to explode
Germinating seeds - explain process of germination & growth & effects of sun/water
Homemade lava lamp - explain why water/oil don't mix
Grow crystals with alum

Check here to find a science fair in your area.

There are lots of other ideas you use as well. I was chosen as an Elmer's Science Fair Project Leader along with a few other women. Here are a few of their science projects you can check out.

The Life of a Home Mom

Our Crazy Boys

Is your child doing a science fair project this year?  What are some ideas they've done in the past?

I was compensated by Collective Bias to share David13's science fair project.  All opinions remain my own.

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