Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Who said life was fair?

I would seriously like to know who told my kids that life was fair. Seriously, somewhere along the line they have decided that life is supposed to be easy and fair. I have no idea why they think this since it certainly doesn’t come from anything that I’ve ever told them. Life is far from easy or fair. Everything is quick and easy now in their lives. We have fast food, microwavable meals, coffee in less than a minute, texting people instantly in another country, face time chats. Everything happens in a split second. They’re used to easy and when things aren’t easy, they’re surprised.

It was so much simpler when they were babies. If they cried, I knew they needed food, a clean diaper or a cuddle. All of those are relatively easy to provide. I was thrilled when I could *fix* their problem and once again they were happy, smiling babies. I spent hours looking through baby magazines, trying to learn to be the best mom that I could be. I oohed and aahed at crib sets and diaper bags. I dreamed about redoing the baby’s room in jojo designs baby bedding or zebra baby bedding. I would have the happiest, most stylish baby around!

As they got older, problems became a little more difficult. A cuddle wasn’t always the perfect solution to scraped knees or lost balloons. Sometimes it took a lollipop or a bowl of ice cream to bring a smile back to their face. But still, I was the one they came to and the one that could fix everything. I was *super mommy* and I was quite happy.

Somewhere around 5th grade, I became less of a super hero. I somehow didn’t understand all of the vitally important fads that were vital to their continued existence. I didn’t understand that a 5th grader had to have a cell phone or her very life would be ruined forever. I was hopelessly unhip because I wouldn’t let my 12 year son get his ears pierced or listen to music that would make my ears bleed.

It got even worse as they got older. Now, not only do I not have the answers to their problems. I am obviously an idiot who knows nothing about what life is like for a teenager. I sprung full grown from my mother’s womb at 44 and know nothing at all. It’s surprising I am not just driving around in circles in a corn field without their constant attention. I cannot fix any of their problems if I even know what their problems are at this age.

I think I would like them both to be four again. Can we do that please? Just for a little while, I want to have a tea party and push cars around on the floor. I want to chase bubbles and watch cartoons. I want it back when life really was easy.

Brought to you by your friends at http://www.babybeddingzone.com/
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