Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

The winter storm is here!

Well once again we're preparing for more winter weather. It started snowing early this morning before daylight and has snowed continuously all day long. We've only accumulated about four inches so far but there is a winter storm warning right now for Wednesday at 1:00AM through Thursday at 7:00AM. Evidently we're due for another twelve to sixteen inches of snow by the time it's all said and done with.

I did my normal weekly grocery shopping this morning and was amazed to see how jam packed the grocery store was. Why is it that the hint of a winter storm sends people into a huge panic to go to the grocery store? For heaven's sake, we live in Vermont and it's February. Snow is what it does here. It really shouldn't come as much surprise that mailboxes are all but covered with snow. Every time the snow plow comes along, it just adds a few more inches to the pile in front of the mailbox.

The snow plows are busy today and I hear them rumbling up and down the road.  Doesn't really seem like they're doing all that much since the road is still covered with snow but I guess they are at least putting dirt down on top of the snow for safety. We can't use salt here on our dirt road because the salt will affect our water supply so what we get is dirt on top of snow that's on top of dirt.

If for some reason I disappear tomorrow, you'll know that it's because of the snow storm. Sometimes the power lines get too heavy with snow and we loose power.  Never fear though, I'll be back!

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