Subtitle: A quest to find the one principle that will save humanity
Author: Andy Andrews
Genre: Self Help, Motivational, General
ISBN: 978-0-7852-3120-2
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Suggested Retail Price: $19.99
From the book:
This is humanity's last chance. Centuries of greed, pride, and hate have sent mankind hurtling toward disaster, and far from its original purpose. There is only one solution that can reset the compass and right the ship - and that answer is only two words.
This is the story of David Ponder, an average man in who lives in today's pretty messed up world. He's average in all ways except one. Years ago he met the Archangel Gabriel and had the privilege of becoming a traveler which is basically someone who has gone back in time to visit famous people. Now, years later, the Archangel shows up at David's home again & lets him know that humanity has pretty much messed up their last chance at making a go of it. He tells David that God is considering just scrapping the lot of us and starting over again much like He did with Noah and the flood. Gabriel tells David that he has been chosen to be in charge of a group of travelers who will have one chance to save mankind by finding the answer to a question.
David is whisked away and meets many of the greatest names from our history like Albert Einstein, Mark Twain and King David. He, along with a select group of these people, are given five chances to guess what the solution is. There's only one solution, it contains only two words and time is running out.
I have to say that this is the best book I have read in a long time. I read a lot. I review only a small fraction of what I read on this blog. I read stories from a variety of different genres but I almost never read self help books for enjoyment. They rarely inspire me to do anything. This book is the one exception. It doesn't read like a self help book. There's no list of things to do. There's nobody preaching at you about how you should change and how easy it is. There's no seemingly perfect person telling you why you should do what you should do.
This book reads like a story and an extremely engaging one at that. I could not put it down. I literally devoured it in one morning and hushed everyone out of the room every time they spoke so I could concentrate and figure out the mystery of what the two words were. I never even came close. In the end when I figured out what the words were, I had tears in my eyes and I am not a weapy person. The way these words were revealed and discovered was truly inspiring. It was uplifting and motivating and immensely empowering all in one package. If you read only one self help book in your life, read this one.
My thanks to the publicist for allowing me to review this book.
As required by the FTC: I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
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