It's almost Easter time and one of the traditions we have with the children is to fill an Easter basket for them each year. While we do put things like toothbrushes, school supplies, batteries and personal care items in their Easter baskets, it just wouldn't be an Easter basket without a host of brightly colored
Peeps nestled among the green grass and jelly beans.

Just thinking about those marshmallow peeps so soft and gooey covered in brightly colored sugar just waiting to to be eaten makes me wish Easter was tomorrow. I honestly didn't think that there was a way to make those amazing Peeps any more fantastic than they already are but Just Born has managed to

do just that. Do you know what they did? They dipped the bottoms of the pretty yellow Peeps in CHOCOLATE! Yes... you heard me right. Each precious Peep has a thin coating of chocolate on the bottom (available in dark and milk chocolate). Not only can I enjoy the delicious marshmallow & sugar goodness, I can enjoy it with chocolate!

I was surprised to find another new product from Just Born this year. I found their Peepsters chocolates right next to the other Peep candies. These little bit sized chocolates have a creamy marshmallow center and are available in both dark and milk chocolate. These are truly amazing and each comes separately wrapped so they are the perfect treat for the candy dish on your desk at work.

I was also thrilled to find out that these chocolate morsels are perfect to bake with! I made some yummy peanut butter cookies and topped each with a chocolate Peepster candy and wow did those disappear off the plate in a heart beat! I couldn't keep the kids & hubby out of the kitchen for anything when they came out of the oven. I'm so happy to have found another Easter candy from Just Born that my family enjoys. Check out the
recipe and try it yourself. They're fantastic!
Want to know something else that's amazing about Peeps? They're gluten free! Yup that's right, on the back of the back of my Peeps marshmallow chicks are the words Gluten Free. This certainly makes Sarah17 happy!
Connect with Just Born on
Facebook for all the latest product news. Check out Peeps on
Facebook too! There's also a bunch of neat
recipes and crafts on the Just Born website.
My thanks to the sponsor for allowing me to review this product.
As required by the FTC: I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
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