Senin, 11 April 2011

How to sterilize soil to start seeds for your garden

Spring is here and it's time to get those seeds and plants into the garden. Many people think that gardening has to be an expensive task. It really doesn't. Most of what my family plants in our garden we start from seeds inside. Buying a dozen tomato plants can be expensive however 12 tomato seeds are not.

When you start seeds you need soil, something to grow it in, sunlight and water. Many people run to the store and start purchasing all of the supplies they need which is why people think that having a garden is so expensive. Really you have most of what you need at home right now.

You can use a simple egg garden in order to grow seeds. Or you can use a yogurt or pudding cup once emptied and washed out. Next you need to have soil. You don't need potting soil which can be quite expensive. You can use regular garden soil however you need to make sure that you sterilize it first or what you'll be growing are all the weeds whose invisible seeds are mixed into your soil. Here's what you need to do to kill all those weed seeds, fungi and bacteria that might be in your garden soil.

1. Bring in the soil on a day that is not too wet. You don't want mud.
2. Spread the soil evenly - not too thickly - on a cookie sheet with sides on it (jelly roll pan).
3. Remove any sticks, twigs, big rocks, bark, bugs, etc.
4. Place the soil in an oven that is between 180F and 200F degrees.
5. Leave it in there for about 30 minutes.
6. Remove it and let it cool completely.

Once it's cool, it's ready to use and you simply need to add seeds, moisten the dirt with water and put it in a sunny warm spot to germinate. Once your plant is of the desired height, set it outside for a few hours a day in the sun for a few days to harden it off. It can then be planted in your window box planters, garden planter or whatever type of planter you prefer.

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