I love clothes and I love having a wide variety of clothes to choose from when I get dressed each morning. With the cost of everything go up, I need to be aware of what I'm spending on my clothing budget for myself and the rest of the family. One of the ways we keep our clothing costs under control is by doing repairs before we run out and buy something new. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to reattach a button or sew up a frayed hem. What it does take is a steady hand to thread a needle.
When I was younger, I could thread a needle in a heartbeat without a problem. I spent a lot of time doing cross stitch and embroidery and this was something I did constantly. The last few years, I've noticed my eyesight is not as good as it once was. I've needed to wear glasses for far way tasks like driving and watching TV for a while. But, recently I've noticed that I'm squinting at a few more of the close up tasks as well. This can make threading a needle a bit of a challenge.
The One Second Needle is a unique new product that makes threading a needle simple. It eliminates the time and frustration of squinting my eyes while I try to find the eye of the needle. The One Second Needle has a built in threader that makes it easy to loop the thread into the needle in a matter of seconds. You can also use it to sew buttons, bury snags is sweaters, etc.
The One Second Needle came with eight needles - four large and four small. It also included a bonus 130 piece sewing kit which will come in handy. The sewing kit included 9 bobbins of thread, a thimble, a measuring tape, scissors, pins, buttons, safety pins and a little holder for extra pins. I love that the One Second Needle container fit easily into the sewing kit so I could keep all of the pieces and parts in one place. It's the perfect size to keep in our emergency supply kit. I found the One Second Needle very easy to use and even the kids could use it! This is definitely very handy to have around for emergency repairs.
The One Second Needle can be purchased direct from the website or you can find it at Bed, Bath & Beyond, Walgreens and WalMart. Retail price is $9.99. The One Second Needle is a Telebrands product. Connect with Telebrands on Facebook to keep up with all the latest product news.
My thanks to the sponsor for allowing me to review this product.
As required by the FTC: I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
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