Subtitle: A Family Preparedness Plan for Disaster
Author: Karen McHale
Suggested Retail Price: $12.95
From the book:
It's 2012 - Did the world end yet? Inflation in the United States is at 27%, unemployment at 32%. The dollar is only worth 49 cents and the DOW can't seem to rise above 3,217. Gas is $15 a gallon and now there is no electricity. What if there was a meltdown of the United States financial system and the government isn't there to save you?
Economic Meltdown is a story about a family of four - mom, dad, daughter, son. They're a family pretty much like any other suburban family. Their lives consist mostly of trying to make ends meet, of working too many hours, of fast food and instant gratification. They sound pretty much like every other family in our neighborhood and probably yours too. In 2010, Sam works as a writer. His wife, Cindy, works at the hospital and their two young children go to school in their suburban town. Sam starts to notice some disturbing changes in the economy and our government's reaction to the changes. Sam speaks to his wife about his concerns and they both agree to start learning to be more self sufficient to save money *just in case* the worst happens.
This book takes a look at how they choose to change and the skills they learn. It's not an in depth guide. You're not going to learn how to plant a garden or how to raise chickens. What it will do is give you an idea of what you need to do by watching what they go through in this story. It will make you think. You'll see how they prepare before the disaster strikes. You'll learn what to do to be ready for groceries that are too expensive to afford and gas that no one can afford to buy. Oh wait... we're already there.
Best of all, at the back of the book is a family preparedness plan for disaster that you can follow to get your family ready for disaster. You'll find a self sufficiency list of things to do to prepare. Also included is a detailed list of what to keep in your pantry along with storage suggestions. There are also ideas on how to handle utilities like electricity, propane, water, sewer and trash.
Marty and I are huge advocates of preparedness - you probably already figured that with the chickens, solar oven and woodstove but just in case you didn't make the connection, I thought I'd let you know. The book takes you quickly through 2010 to 2012. It begins briefly in 2012 and then flashes back to the steps that led up to where they are now. This is a fantastic read that would be suitable for anyone from young teen all the way up to adults. I really want to read more about their life. That's how much I enjoyed it. I'm hoping with fingers crossed that the author puts out another book to continue the story.
You can purchase the book from the author's website and I highly recommend you do! You can even purchase it as a PDF if you prefer.
My thanks to the author for allowing me to review this book.
As required by the FTC: I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
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