Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Congestion Relief with Advil $2 coupon!

Everyone here in the house has a cold so the Advil Congestion Relief samples I received couldn't have come at a better time. Of course, we should probably expect that in the middle of cold and flu season. According to the CDC, flu season is starting to pick up.  Check out this article for more information.

Advil Congestion Relief, Coated Tablets 20 eaI really hate it when you try to blow your nose and nothing comes out. It just makes me totally miserable and unhappy. Plus there's that awful pressure you feel around your nose and eyes that ends up giving me a terrible headache. Did you know that sinus pressure is often caused by swelling due to nasal inflammation, not just mucus?

How do you deal with that? I've seen lots of medications to get rid of mucus but you do you get rid of nasal inflammation? Advil Congestion Relief is a new solution that directly treats what is often the real cause of congestion – swelling due to nasal inflammation. Advil® Congestion Relief is the right sinus medicine for the real problem. Advil Congestion Relief combines the power of Advil® and an effective decongestant, to provide relief from sinus pressure, nasal swelling, congestion, and headaches.

We received two sample tablets of Advil Congestion Relief to try out along with some coupons.  Sadly, the post office managed to crush one of the tablets but one did arrive intact and I gave it to David13 on Tuesday when he stayed home sick from school. It really did work on the congestion pressure he was feeling. There's no drowsiness with Advil Congestion Relief either although I certainly wouldn't have minded if he took a nap! That means I can take it and not fall asleep half way through the day when I have a million things to do. I hate medications that make you tired!

You can find Advil Congestion relief at  most major retailers.  You can stop by the Advil site and print your $2 coupon off any Advil including the Congestion Relief! Saving money is good!

I was provided Advil Congestion Relief information, gratis samples and coupons by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare.
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