Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Get free movies with Lucky to Have Friends Like You promotion

Redbox has an amazing promotion right now where you can earn free movie rentals! I know my kids are always pestering me for movie rentals so here's a frugal way you can get them.
Follow these steps to score free redbox movies from now until Thursday, March 17.

* Sign-up for a redbox online account at www.redbox.com/luckymoms
  Why? By signing up for an online account, you can see what movies are currently in redbox kiosks near you and reserve your picks to guarantee they’ll still be waiting for you when you get there (until 9 p.m. the next day).
* Redbox will email you a personal web address link
* Share the link with your friends
* Every time someone reserves a movie online through your personal web address, you’ll receive a credit in your online account for a free one-night DVD rental
* If it is your friend’s first time reserving online, they’ll also receive a credit for a free one night rental
* Spread the luck! Email it, post it to Facebook, Tweet about it

By sharing this information, I am entering a giveaway for free redbox movies and movie snack packs as a member of the Mom Bloggers Club.

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