Both of my children have ADHD and they tend to function best when life has a bit of a routine. They like knowing what to expect at home and I've found that things settle into a comfortable routine. We try to plan meals about the same time each day. We have a general schedule that everyone understands and we try to stick to it. Right after school we have a rest and relax time where they get to talk to my husband and I about what happened at school or what's going on in their lives. After that we encourage them to start their homework. My 17 year old is pretty much independent when it comes to school work but my 13 year old needs more hands on attention to keep him focused and on track. Once homework is taken care of we can focus the rest of the evening on dinner and fun time whether that's television, video games or family fun. They enjoy knowing that these are constants that they can count on happening regularly.
My husband is disabled so there are some things that he needs help with and much of the typical tasks involved in running the home fall to me. It makes him happy when the house runs smoothly so I try to make sure laundry is done, menu plans are created, shopping happens on a regular basis and the cupboards are stocked with foods everyone enjoys as well as *quick* food that he can prepare on nights I'm not around. I know it doesn't sound all that glamorous but when the background work is taken care of smoothly, the rest of the time we can focus on having fun together as a family.
A lot of the work of making my family happy probably occurs behind the scenes and doesn't get noticed. I'm sure that if I all of a sudden stopped taking care of it all people would notice and things would run a lot less smoothly. I know that they appreciate it even if they don't seem to notice what I do. To see the smiles on their faces at their favorite meals or snacks or realizing I remembered their basketball shoes even though they forgot is enough for me.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Farm Rich blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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