We've been having intermittent internet problems for the past few days. My internet works but my husband's does not and none of our wireless devices work. My husband is fairly computer literate so we are assuming it's our router. We just wanted to get confirmation before I go out and plunk down $50 on a new router.

First step I call Comcast who supplies our internet. I spoke to Becky who was very nice & connected me to LINKSYS where I was connected with someone who barely spoke English. After giving my product type & serial number, I explained my problem. Without even attempting to ask me any questions or get any additional information, he proceeded to tell me that my technology was outdated and not fast & I needed to get a new router. Then he started pitching their latest router & how amazing it was and I really needed it because it was the latest technology & very fast. I explained that I had no problem getting a new router however I wanted to be certain the problem was in fact my router before I bought a new one. He said because my router was out of warranty, he would not tell me if it was my router that was defective unless I paid him $39.99. Excuse me? You want me to pay you $40 so you can tell me my router doesn't work. Or
I can buy a new one for $50 and hope that fixes the problem in case it isn't my router. Yup that would be it.
Thinking I must be misunderstanding, I asked if what he was saying was that he would not help me unless I paid him $40 or bought a new router for $50. He agreed that was the case. I asked him if there was anything he could tell me without me paying for a new router or $40 for support.... He asked is the power light on? I said yes. He said and I quote "Your router isn't dead." Well DUH! I am not a moron. I could have probably figured that one out all on my own! I know it's not dead. All the lights are on. What I need to know is whether or not it's defective. His response... $40 for support or buy a new modem. Lovely!
I called back Comcast and spoke to a very helpful man named Greg who asked me some questions and verified that it was the router. Took less than 5 minutes for him to do this and he was so nice about it! He offered us a free modem and all we'd have to do is pay shipping but it would have taken 3-5 days to get here. I'd like it fixed quicker than that so I'll be heading to Staples to buy a new router. Know what... it won't be a LINKSYS!
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