Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Would you like more exposure for your company or product?

Do you have a product you'd like more exposure for? I have several upcoming events that I am accepting sponsors for. Each of these events is slightly different but all will be heavily promoted by myself and other bloggers to get you the most exposure possible. I'll be promoting the events on my blog to over 1,700 followers and over 1,800 subscribers as well as on my Facebook account (1400+) and Twitter account (1700+).

My preference is to receive an item for review and offer an item for giveaway. This allows me to promote your product on more sites than a straight review. More promotion will get you more exposure. I am open to review only for some events if that's the option you feel is best.

Here are the events:

Blogmania - Blogmania is held April 9 & 10 on many different blogs throughout the blogosphere. Each blogger will be showcasing several companies and offering one huge prize package to one winner. There will be one post that details each individual prize/company with links back to each company's site & social media accounts. This is hugely popular because of the size of the prize package. It's cross promoted by all the different bloggers so you'll receive tons of exposure. To participate in this event, you must offer a prize of some sort.

Blog Pop Spring Fling - Blog Pop Spring Fling will be held May 5, 6, 7, and 8. There are 9 amazing bloggers participating in this event. Each blogger is putting together a variety of reviews and giveaways on their individual blogs. We are all promoting the event for each other on our blogs & social media accounts so again this is great exposure for you and your product.

Happily Handmade - Our Happily Handmade event will be held in June and will feature handmade items and their creators. This event will be held on Momma Told Me and Confessions of an Overworked Mom and heavily promoted by us both on our blogs and social media accounts. You can choose to work with both of us if you like for an even bigger bang for your donation.

If you're interested in being featured in any of these events, please let me know. I'm open to any family friendly company. Sorry but I do not accept *adult toy sites* or alcoholic products. I am open to working with large companies, small companies and PR agents. Please don't hesitate to contact me and we can discuss what I can do for you.  You can use any of the testimonials from my review in your own marketing efforts and my review will be shared on not only my social media sites but yours as well. Great exposure!

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