Subtitle: Simple Truths to Protect Your Family From Hidden Household Dangers
Author: Dr. Myron Wentz & Dave Wentz
Genre: Healthy Living
ISBN: 978-1-59315-655-8
Publisher: Vanguard Press
Suggested Retail Price: $21.95
From the book:
In The Healthy Home, father and son team Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz walk readers room by room through a typical house, pointing out the surprising health risks posed by the everyday products and behaviors of any modern family.
The Healthy Home is meant as a guide and reference book to hidden household dangers including products and practices that we might use. It's broken down into five different chapters. Each chapter details the different types of problems that might exist in each, specific room in your house. Chapter one is a welcome to hidden household dangers and explains why the authors decided to write this book and where the idea for The Healthy Home came from. It also explains why you should be concerned about having a healthy home and what you should expect to find in this book.
Chapter two is a detailed look at your bedroom from the mattress you sleep on to the clothes you wear. It looks at various synthetic fabrics and why we need to consider how our clothes and linens are made. The author offers a list of fabrics to avoid and their natural alternatives. The chapter will also urge us to consider our laundry products, electronic gadgets, lighting, temperature and air quality.
Chapter three is devoted to our bathrooms and focuses mainly on the chemicals in our personal care items including washing, moisturizing, shaving, brushing our teeth, oral care habits, prescription medications. Not only does it tell us the areas that are dangerous in our lives, it offers suggestions for improving these areas by using different products or by lifestyle changes.
Chapter four focuses on your kitchen and includes everything form the food we eat , how healthy our diets are, how we prepare our foods, the pans & kitchen tools we use, our drinking water, and other beverages we drink. It also discusses flouride and water pollution.
Chapter five discusses our living areas and includes electronics, cleaning products, industrial waste, environmental concerns, tools for healthy cleaning, pets, and internet addiction. The final chapter is all about our garage and yard and takes a look at contaminants found in the garage, patio, yard and beyond. It also takes a look at pesticides and how to get enough sun without getting too much.
Each of these topics is discussed and we can come up with our own areas for improvement by taking the handy quizzes included. Throughout the book are simple tips highlighted in orange that will help you take easy steps toward some of the problems included in the book. There are also a number of informative websites in each chapter where you can go for more information on the topic.
This is a really fantastic reference book. You can start in the room you want and pick and choose the suggestions that best work for you. You take the quiz to see what they recommend and then using their suggestions you work on areas of your home that most need help. This is a really great way to learn what you need to do to make your home a safer place.
My thanks to the sponsor for allowing me to review this book.
As required by the FTC: I received a product sample in order to write my review. I received no monetary compensation. All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
Article first published as Book Review: The Healthy Home: Simple Truths to Protect Your Family from Hidden Household Dangers by Dave Wentz, et al on Blogcritics.
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