Originally created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, Tom and Jerry emerged during Hollywood’s golden age of animation and became one of the most popular cartoon series in existence. The shorts focus on the never-ending rivalry between Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse. The plots of each short usually center on Tom’s attempts to capture Jerry. Jerry however, is clever and quick on his feet so Tom hardly ever manages to catch him.
“Tom and Jerry are two enduring cartoon legends whose escapades always remain timeless and fresh. Generations of audiences have been captivated by their never-ending pursuit,” commented Amit Desai, WHV Vice President of Family, Animation & Partner Brands Marketing. He added, “Tom and Jerry: Fur Flying Adventures kicks off a new series of Tom and Jerry collections which are comprised of beloved, classic cartoons that we hand-picked because they appeal to a wide audience.”
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My thanks to the sponsor for allowing me to review this DVD.
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